Welcome to CDR Navigator!

Do you dream of passive income?
Do dietitians ask for your advice?
Do you have a home-study product that offers CEUs?
If your answers are Yes, Yes, and Well…
You’ve come to the right place and need my CDR Navigator services!
Stop wasting hours on the CDR process.
Get yourself a done-for-you product or step-by-step guidance.
No matter how much or how little help you need, I’m here to help!
Our Services:
Idea to Implementation: Total product consultation and shepherding from recording your presentation to the finished product. All you have to do is present. (Cost: TBD)
Home-Study Packet Creation: You already have a book or recorded presentation ready to go? We create the CEU packet and apply for CDR approval. (Cost: $500 per CEU hour)
Test Item Question Review: Your product is ready, your multiple choice questions are written, you just need a Certified Test Item Writer to edit and okay them. ($250/hour)
Hourly Consultation: Anything from “Is this a good idea?” to “How many multiple choice questions do I need?” ($250/hour)
Audit Support: You’ve received the dreaded email from CDR. Don’t panic. We’ll walk you through it. ($250/hour)
About Jessica Setnick
I’m Jessica Setnick and I believe in passive income. I’ve been retired from private practice since 2013 thanks in part to the continuing education products for dietitians that make me money in my sleep.
I started with The Eating Disorders Boot Camp Home-Study Course in 2007 and added Advanced Eating Disorders Boot Camp shortly afterward, back when it was a LOT bigger challenge to make a Home-Study Course. After finding vendors for editing the recordings, logo design, CD burning, custom index tabs, and CD cases, driving around town picking everything up or waiting for supplies to arrive… not to mention standing in front of the copy machine for hours then using the punching machine and spiral binding the manuals by hand… I remember sitting on the floor hand-sticking labels on CDs and putting each set of 8 into cases, sliding the pesky front and back cover pages into each case, interleaving index tabs between xeroxed pages, shrink wrapping packages of manuals, and staying after the patients were gone to fill unexpected orders.
Fast forward to October 2020, when I created The Ultimate Eating Disorders Training Package as an entirely virtual product! Advances in technology have made it a snap for any dietitian to produce home-study materials without a large investment, multiple vendors or a huge product warehouse.
It’s now possible for any dietitian with a message and a mission to create products – from a one-hour lecture to a months-long training course – and sell it to other dietitians eager to learn. The market for continuing education from home is ENORMOUS. There are 100,000 dietitians in the US, all of whom need 75 CPE units every five years. That’s 1.5 MILLION CEUs needed every year. Education from home is the easiest and best way for dietitians to get exactly what they’re looking for without the added costs of travel, hotel, childcare, or time off work.
It’s time for you to tap into this gold mine of need, while expanding the reach of your crucially important knowledge and expertise beyond those you touch firsthand. Let me help you multiply your impact as well as your income.
Schedule a no-cost consultation call below!
Next Steps:
Send me some times you’re available to talk. Let’s make this happen!